Thursday, July 29, 2010

There you are...

Check this out: Sexy Drummers
It could've been, of course, a much better casting-up. Paris Hilton? And Rammstein??
But Sheila E. is a nice addition, and I like the Wonderbra ad. And all in all it is just another point proving that drummers ARE sexy. 
Lend a hand genital: Sleep with a drummer.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

LOL of the Day: Sarah Palin for President

I just hope she too, like Hillary, will be a relic of the utter failure of the American Dream: The First Female President. What a cunt. Let us just hope her chances run low, since it takes a lot uf fucking to climb the career ladder in politics, the hang with being the president is that it's quite difficult to fuck all the voters. Not that Palin would have a hard time doing it, it's just that not everybody is a heterosexual male or a homosexual female. Re-think it, Palin!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010


I heard a sound.
What sound?
A sound.
I heard a sound too.
What sound?
The sound of music.

here you are, a little poem