Monday, August 16, 2010

Dice collectors

Ok, so I've been doing a little market research concerning dices. It came out that a great many of people not only collect dices but also like to show off with them.

Here is a very decent one: 
    This basically just a collection of D&D dices.

And this is one I'm especially jealous of:

     I think this guy robbed a couple of museums.

And this fucker is just showing off like he's the King of Vegas:

  Asshole. Loved the dices.

All in all, my collection turns out to be pretty decent. At least I'm proud to say that I bought none of my dices from Ebay. And that it's very very unlikely that I'm going to open a webpage to show them off. You're welcome to visit me though ('Sleep with a Drummer Movement', remember?)