Monday, March 29, 2010

Humanity: habit or choice?

So I saw this blog entry in this sickos blog: (its really cool, Saya found it). And the video annoyed me because of this point of view towards humans being represented as something entirely different than other animals. Sure scientists and psychologists and whosoever might be amazed by this "phenomena" which occurs since centuries (as whoyoucallingaskeptic points out) and it really can be compared to the argument for atheism that goes something like: "have you ever considered that if you have been born Iran instead of the US you might've been a Muslim instead a Christian?".

The human is a creature of habit, and this it very commonly uses for its own defense. Living in buildings, eating at a table, shitting in your own house, all poor excuses and concepts that are necessary for many to shape an image in their mind about 'life' though it is not necessary to 'live'. Living the way we live is habitual. Being a man, an American, religious and/or human are merely concepts some Homo Sapiences imagined collectively into being. Before you go out today to find a job or to take a class about some hypothetical concept, ask yourself "Did I really choose to be a human?". Too much is being done already for the sake of parents, tutors and authorities.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random dice

Street Beat vol 1

I dig buckets.

watch out, there's more to come.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Physics rock vol 2

I always knew Spiderman was a dumbass. Physics rule. Spidey sucks. Gambit rox.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

another dice stacking video

its slow motion, to show how this thing works. it's really simple. maybe I'll explain it to you one day.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I told you drummers are hot

Smoke kills

After forbidding people to smoke in public, they will probably put taxes for smoking at home. Oh hey, wait, no need, we pay a shitload of taxes anyway for cigarettes. This is probably some kinda marketing strategy of tobacco companies to make smoking more expensive and also more popular. Imagine how popular heroin was before it went out of style. Maybe if it have got more expensive, it would be still a trend. Who knows?

Thank god marijuana is so casual that it will never get out of style. And the government made the smart movement to restrict it right from the beginning, so now everybody is used to it being forbidden. Very clever. God saves America.

Oh and by the way, bear with me because of the video: I don't have a facebook account.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hereby I Start A New Movement

Someone please explain to me: What the fuck is THIS:

Who wrote this shit? Stuff like this that threatens the sexual life of a certain group of people should be banned. This is plain discrimination. I have to protect my sexual rights as an artist. Thus I bring up the t-shirt slogans some of you eventually saw before: Support The Arts, Sleep With A Drummer.

To support my argument that sleeping with drummers is absolutely necessary for a band's creative process and being, I would like to use some materials brought to you by my fellow comrades.

To summarize:

1. Reason: Rhythm – Drummers can rock a steady rhythm for prolonged periods of time. And they can make subtle, but important changes to that rhythm on command.

2. Reason: Stamina – Drummers have to train their body and mind to hold out through the song, no matter how taxing it may be. This training can easily be transferred into off stage activities.

3. Reason: Body – We work tons of different muscles when playing, from fingers to shoulders and arms down through our legs. Also when we’re not playing we’re usually lugging some pretty heavy equipment around, so we get a lot of exercise. Drummers are hot

4. Reason: Dexterity – Every good drummer is constantly making minor adjustments with their fingers in order to change sounds.

5. Reason: Emotion – Drummers have the dynamics and being able to feel the song flow through you.

6. Reason: The sixth sense – A good band is always in sync with each other and can follow along if another member decides to do something unrehearsed without the audience noticing. This sort of sixth sense, mostly an acute ability to pick up on slight signals and awareness of everything going on is something that your drummer can bring to your bedroom as well. So he’ll be able to improvise with you all night long.

7. Reason:Responsibility – Drummers are often responsible for a lot of very expensive equipment. So unless they’re crazy rich, they have to be responsible for keeping it in good condition and making sure it doesn’t get stolen. So they know how to treat an expensive woman well.

And last but not least: Drummers are just plain awesome – Drummers are cool. And what else do you want?

And of course, as another argument I have to use a visual device:

Drummers are hot.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today's Theme: Sadism

Freud described sadism (or even better, sadomasochism, because he considered both siamese twins) as a sexual perversion derived from the humans will to power.

Another descriptions would also use words like "perversion" to take sexual pleasure in "misbehaving" and "humiliating" the partner. The general view towards Sadomasochist fantasies -even by sources based on the research of psychology- is as if these people are some kind of low-life.

I believe Freud's point of view towards this is rather sober. Human's natural love of power, why not, indeed? We all do all kinds of weird stuff to have some sort of advantage towards others. Some try to be cool, some are choleric, some are ambitious, some try it in politics and, well, some people like to whip others. Whipping someone who likes to be whipped is not the sickest thing in this list, I'd say. At least one knows that the other likes to get fucked in the arse and being spanked with a whip at the same time while he/she is unable to move. No politician, on the other hand, ever asked me if I'd take pleasure in that sort of entertainment before he decided to launch new taxes.

A Love Mail From My Fellow Musician

the fucking retard.

and this is the video:

cool. you could treat me like trash. I might even like it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Bitter Truth

OK this is a guy who has never been understood by his family, his girl and even by his creators. He was abandoned as a child, was left by his only love Rogue because of some misunderstanding, he never got to sleep with her -and what the hell happened to them in the end anyway?- and finally, he was forsaken by his creators by becoming an irrelevant and lame character in the Wolverine movie. Wolverine! It could at least be an X-Men movie!

This guy in his purple shirt is so gay that I don't even want to post it to my blog.

of course, all of the movies sucked, but that's an entirely different matter.

This poor fuck called Gambit couldn't even get laid during whole sessions of comic books, he is the character who suffered the most and he got never the proper respect.

Even now I see at Marvel's site that originally the points of Intelligence given to him are 3 out of 7 (three!). Thankfully the fans were so nice to hike it up to 6 points. And anyway, the most popular hero is Spider Man?? Come on guys! In what kinda retarded world are we living in??

Oh, and I have to add, Gambit as the character Death is totally lame. I think the "Character-Creation-Department" has to be a little more in touch with the "Plot Department". I mean, what kinda company are you running there? This is totally unprofessional.

but this guy is cool. dig this guy.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Physics rock

OK I tried to find the video that had the best awesomeness/length ratio. And I guess this is it so far. I mean, it's a bit long but the tricks are really neat. If I find something better some day I'll put it up.

Look what I've found

I don't know this guy. Let's ask my friend Wiki:

So this is the guy. I don't know this guy, but I like it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy 8th May

it's all about you girls. happy feast.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ok, I'm not a genius when it comes to technology but the options the internet gives you is really infinite, right? It is the ultimate way of survival in a capitalistic world. After industrialization takes away people's jobs and gives it to robots, making money out of nothing becomes necessity. And since you don't have a job, you sell nothing. And people buy it because they believe that they are actually buying something. I mean, what is buying a space on the web really? It's just bytes, hypothetical data floating in Nowhere. It's like buying a place on the moon (and some people did that too, though those were the ones who had so many robots making money for them that they didn't know where to spend the money). The chances you will one day go to the moon lies low. It is idiotic to buy a piece of moon. But it is smart to buy a piece of data. So you have at least something to take with you when you're dead.

Friday, March 5, 2010

something I had found eons ago in some website

it might not be the best start, but it is A start nonetheless