So I saw this blog entry in this sickos blog: (its really cool, Saya found it). And the video annoyed me because of this point of view towards humans being represented as something entirely different than other animals. Sure scientists and psychologists and whosoever might be amazed by this "phenomena" which occurs since centuries (as whoyoucallingaskeptic points out) and it really can be compared to the argument for atheism that goes something like: "have you ever considered that if you have been born Iran instead of the US you might've been a Muslim instead a Christian?".
The human is a creature of habit, and this it very commonly uses for its own defense. Living in buildings, eating at a table, shitting in your own house, all poor excuses and concepts that are necessary for many to shape an image in their mind about 'life' though it is not necessary to 'live'. Living the way we live is habitual. Being a man, an American, religious and/or human are merely concepts some Homo Sapiences imagined collectively into being. Before you go out today to find a job or to take a class about some hypothetical concept, ask yourself "Did I really choose to be a human?". Too much is being done already for the sake of parents, tutors and authorities.