This is from a blog called "The Cautionary Revolution", the dude who's writing it calls himself apocalypse nowish.
I have some things to say about drugs, but in this case I don't, cause apocalypse said it all for me. I quote:
he's talking about the war against drugs in Mexico.
It is time for people of this earth (excluding government that never will acknowledge it) to realize two things; firstly that the “war against drugs” is unwinnable. It doesn’t matter how severe punishments there are for peddling drugs are or how many police officers you put into the equation, it has no barring whatsoever if you throw the military at kingpins, it will always, without exception, fail. Secondly it is the ‘war’ itself that creates the problems, not the drugs or the gangs. In effect it is the government that is at fault, not the mafia or the terrorists.
listen to the dude. he's right.
This civil war in Mexico could be over tomorrow if they legalized drugs. But you see, the government doesn’t want that, not for any nice protecting of you reason, oh no, they want this war because when there’s a war going on, who do we turn to for protection? Yes, that’s right… This is also why they are fighting the war against terrorism, the war against poverty, the war against unemployment, the war against inflation. All of these things are created by government and then fought by government under the disguise of "war".
This isn't a game. This is war.
long live drugs